On the 25th of May, in Alcanede games park, took place the Professions Fair "9th grade.... now what?". The main objective of this event was to promote and inform young people about their academic future and opportunities of career, as it's time to start making decisions regarding their future.
Following the Vocational Guidance process aimed at 9th grade students, Lusical was invited to participate in this event by D. Afonso Henriques School Group, giving students and parents an opportunity to get to know the companies of the region with the demonstration of their activity and professional opportunities to enter the active life.
Our team was happy to participate and show what Lhoist group do, clarify any doubts, and provide moments of fun through the wheel of luck to 7th to 9th grade students! By involving participants of various ages, it quickly became a place with lots of happiness, knowledge, and information sharing